Match Results

Match Results

Matches and match results...

14th July 2024 Caythorpe

In perfect conditions the river was not playing, Andy Gammon was a clear winner finding fish from the off.

Full Result

A Gammon 13lb 4oz

G Long 11lb 15oz

J Simpson 6lb 13oz

M Lacey 5lb 7oz

P Tomlinson 4lb 6oz

G Smith 4lb 4oz

C Williams 3lb 6oz

C Shaw 2lb 12oz

J Rick 2lb 11oz

D Briggs 2lb 6oz

M Fletcher 2lb 1oz

N Culham 1lb 5oz


30th June 2024 Wellow Dam

Paul Winfield found plenty of carp in the margins on peg 3

Full Result

P Winfield 76lb 4oz

N Culham 69lb 12oz

P Tomlinson 38lb 1oz

D Briggs 26lb 6oz

C Shaw 27lb 5oz

J Rick 25lb 15oz

M Lacey 21lb 10oz

7th July 2024 Springvale

Newcastle lake Pete Tomlinson fished a great match catch in the margins.

Full Result

P Tomlinson 106lb 2oz

N Culham 92lb 1oz

J Simpson 89lb 14oz

D Briggs 88lb 9oz

D Butler 88lb 8oz (section)

G Smith 77lb 7oz

J Rick 76lb 5oz

H Smith 67lb 13oz

C Shaw 65lb 7oz (section)

M Fletcher 58lb 14oz

C Williams 57lb 9oz

M Lacey 53lb 10oz

P Winfield 35lb 11oz



23rd June 2024 Caythorpe

Very hot conditions, well done to all for sticking with it.

Full Result

G. Smith 10lb 4oz

A. Gammon 9lb 5oz

G Long 8lb 7oz

C Shaw 7lb 8oz

P Tomlinson 3lb 13oz

J Simpson 3lb 14oz

C Williams 3lb 2oz

M.Lacey 3lb 2oz

D Briggs 2lb 5oz

N Proffitt 1lb 9oz

N Culham 1lb 2oz


June 16th 2024 Portland Long Island island

Excellent weights well done to Neil.

Full Result

N Culham 154lb 9oz

P Winfield 84lb 1oz

C Shaw 78lb 12oz

P Tomlinson 75lb 15oz

H Smith 74lb 10oz

J Rick 74lb

G Smith 72lb 11oz

M Fletcher 49lb 12oz

C Williams 49lb 1oz

D Butler 45lb 4oz

N Proffitt 44lb 12oz

M Lacey 44lb 9oz

L Nighingale 13lb 1oz

9th June 2024 Wellow

Lake still not fishing well. one big weight from peg 5

Full Result

N Culham 60lb 4oz

P Tomlinson 35lb 11oz

C Williams 31lb 13oz

N Proffitt 28lb 12oz

M Lacey 23lb12oz

P Winfield 23lb 10oz

G Long 22lb 5oz

C Shaw 20lb

G Smith18lb 7oz

J Simpson 14lb 1oz

H Smith 12lb 11oz

D Butler 12lb 2oz

M Fletcher 2lb 14oz


2nd June 2024 Sookholme

IDE dominated match caught shallow.

Full Result

C Williams 59lb 2oz

P Winfield 57lb 14oz

G Smith 51lb 7oz

D Briggs 43lb 1oz

G Long 47lb 11oz

D Butler 42lb 2oz

C Shaw 37lb 7oz

P Tomlinson 36lb 5oz

N Proffitt 32lb 7oz

N Culham 32lb 6oz

M Fletcher 30lb 3oz

J Rick 22lb 12oz

H Smith 19lb

M Lacey 17lb 14oz

26th May 2024 Springvale first spring

This was a match of two halves low numbers producing the better weights.

Full Result

G Smith 78lb 1oz

J Simpson 75lb 3oz

N Culham 72lb 24oz

C Shaw 50lb

P Winfield 48lb 5oz

G Long 39lb 6oz

N Proffitt 38lb 14oz

J Rick 37lb1oz

C Williams 34lb 1oz

P Tomlinson 32lb 2oz

M Fletcher 27lb 12oz

H Smith 23lb 9oz

D Butler 21lb 6oz

D Briggs 15lb 1oz

L Nightingale 12lb

19th May 2024 Aldercar

60lb of fish in the last hour for the winner Neil to finish with 70lb

Full Result

N Culham 70lb 9oz

P Winfield 63lb 2oz

M Lacey 52lb 2oz

J Simpson 40lb 10oz

P Tomlinson 36lb 7oz

C Shaw 34lb 7oz

J Rick 25lb 7oz

C Williams 23lb 14oz

D Briggs 22lb 12oz

N Proffitt 21lb 15oz

H Smith 21lb 14oz

G Smith 17lb 6oz

L Nightingale 10lb 6oz

12th May 2024

Fished on a very hot day with fish spawning, won by John Simpson top class shallow fishing.

Full Result

John Simpson 67lb 15oz

N Culham 56lb 6oz

D Butler 50lb 3oz

P Tomlinson 46lb 15oz

C Williams 41lb 12oz

G Smith 36lb 2oz

D Briggs 27lb 15oz

C Shaw 27lb 11oz

M Lacey 26lb 13oz

J Rick 25lb 7oz

N Proffitt 23lb 9oz

P Winfield19lb 14oz

H Smith 18lb 12oz

L Nightingale 10lb