Match Results

Match Results

Matches and match results...


On a clear river some pegs struggled to produce but at the top end of of the section Mick Danby found the roach feeding putting 10lbs on the scales, a close second was Neil Culham who seems to have discovered his river legs putting 9lb on the scales ,third place went to the inform Dave Briggs with 8lbs. The top weight at the bottom of the stretch went to Pete Tomlinson with 7lb.

Full Result

1 M Danby 10lb 8oz
2 N Culham 9lb 7oz
3 D Briggs 8lb 4oz
4 P Tomlinson 7lb 4oz
5 C Williams 6lb 12oz
6 G Smith 6lb 7oz
7 C Shaw 5lb 15oz
8 J Simpson=
M Lacey 5lb 13oz
10 J Rick 4lb 9oz
11D Butler 3lb 11oz
12 M Fletcher 2lb 12oz

LITTLE JOHN 30th August

John Rick fishing his first match for 4 months struggled for the first 2 hours then the carp moved into his margin in a big way putting 170lb on the scales for an easy win, at the next peg Gary Smith finished with 140lb, 3rd place was taken Pete Tomlinson with 137lb

Full Result

1 J Rick 170lb 11oz
2 G Smth 140lb
3 P Tomlinson 137lb 14oz
4 M Danby 106lb 7oz
5 D Butler 103lb 6oztingale
6 C Williams 99lb 3oz
7 N Culham 97lb 10oz
8 H Smith 96lb 5oz
9 M Lacey 94lb 13oz
10 D Briggs 79lb 14oz
11 L Nightingale 73lb 13oz
12 C Shaw 68lb 10oz


This match was fished in very trying conditions with a very strong downstream wind, and to cap it we had a torrential downpour just as the match ended. Recording his second win of the season who found the bream feeding and put 35lb on the scales on feeder and worm, in second place was Chris Shaw who finished with 12lb , third place being taken by Daryl Butler 10lb.


1 N Culham 35lb 12oz
2 C Shaw 12lb 8oz
3 D Butler 10lb
4 D Briggs
5 G Smith 7lb 10oz=Section
6 C Williams 7lb 6oz (Section)
7 M Lacey 5lb 9oz
8 P Tomlinson 5lb 5oz
9 M Fletcher 2lb 13oz


Neil Culham recorded his first win of the season with 69lb in second place was Daryl Butler with 64lb, third place went to Pete Tomlinson with 62lb.

Full Result

1 N Culham 69lb
2 D Butler 64lb 8oz
3 P Tomlinson 62lb 3oz
4 M Danby 45lb
5 C Shaw 43lb 10oz (Section)
6 C Williams 39lb 15oz (Section)
7 M Lacey 34lb 12oz
8 L Nightingale 31lb 10oz
9 H Smith 31lb 4oz
10 J Simpson 25lb 8oz
11 G Smith 22lb 3oz
12 M Fletcher 20lb 13oz
13 D Briggs 18lb 7oz


Well done to John Simpson who came out top for Midland with 74lb, in second place was Clive Williams with 70lb.

Full Result

1 J Simpson 74lb 10oz
2 C Williams 70lb 8oz
3 D Butler 57lb 12oz
4 M Danby 50lb 10oz
5N Culham 49lb 5oz
6 L Nightingale 33lb 9oz
7 H Smith 25lb 70z

MILL DAM 2nd August

Well what can we say yet another win for the man in form Pete Tomlinson produced a top class performance to put 165 lbs on the scales made up of 41 carp.In second place was Horace Smith with 135lb, third place went to another inform man Dave Briggs with111lb


1 P Tomlinson 165lb 14oz
2 H Smith 135lb 14oz
3 D Brigg 111lb 15oz (section)
4 M Lacey 108lb 13oz(section)
5 M Fletcher 94lb 13 oz
6 C Williams 71lb 10oz
7 N Culham41lb 15oz
8 L Nightingale DNW

Caythorpe, 26th July - Challenge match with Barnston AC

On the day some good weights posted Barnson came out on top with Jamie Francis putting 18lb on the scales catching bream on feeder and Perch on the float, top Midland weight was Daryl Butler who came third with 13lb catching a bonus bream on feeder and then roach on the float. In total 8 double figure weights recorded.

Full Result Midland only

1 D Butler 13lb 5oz
2 G Smith 12lb 10oz
3 D Briggs 9lb 6oz
4 P Tomlinson 9lb 5 oz
5 M Lacey 6lb 10 oz
6 J Simpson 6lb 6oz
7 P Winfield 6lb 5 oz
8 C Williams 5lb 11oz
9 M Fletcher 5lb 4oz
10 C Shaw 4lb 9oz
11 N Culham 4lb 4oz

Springvale Duchess 19th July

With another sparkling performance Pete Tomlinson made it 3 wins in a row putting 103lb on the scales, in second place was Martin Lacey with 91lb

Full Result

1 P Tomlinson 103lb 12 oz
2 M Lacey 91lb 10oz
3 M Danby 77lb 10oz
4 N Culham 73lb12oz
5 C Williams 65lb 9oz
6 J Simpson 64lb 13oz
7 G Smith 57lb 14oz
8 H Smith 42lb 1oz
9 L Nightingale 40lb 7oz
10 D Briggs 26lb 9oz

Caythorpe 12th July

In near perfect conditions the river provided some decent weights in first place the evergreen Pete Tomlinson with 13lb float caught fish, in second was Daryl Butler fishing feeder putting 11lbs on the scales third place went John Simpson fishing pole over groundbait.

Full Result

1 P Tomlinson 13lb 3oz
2 D Butler 11lb 7oz
3 J Simpson 11lb 2oz
4 N Culham 9lb 11oz
5 C Williams 9lb 1oz
6 D Briggs 7lb 9oz
7 G Smith 7lb 4oz
8 M Lacey 6lb 13oz
9 M Fletcher 6lb 5oz

Portland Old lake SUNDAY 5th JULY

Well ahead on the day Pete Tomlinson put 133lb on the scales from a road side peg in second was inform Clive Williams with 91lb followed by Gary Smith with 89lb

Full Result

1 P Tomlinson 133lb 11oz
2 C Williams 91lb 3oz
3 G Smith 89lb 3oz
4 H Smith 88lb 1oz
5 J Simpson 61lb 5oz
6 M Danby 56lb 1oz
7 N Culham 55lb 15oz
8 D Butler 51lb 1oz
9 M Lacey 49lb 3oz
10 J Rick 47lb 6oz
11 L Nightingale 38lb 12oz
12 D Briggs 34lb